Chosen Productions...

We are a collective of music artists, producers, teachers, session musicians.

We are generally available to fulfill your music related requests with a standard of excellence and integrity.

Coaching and mentoring is available.


Developing Character, and Integrity


Along the journey, you have choices to make, while experiencing great joys in life, and having disappointments to bear. 

We've been there too!  We have experience, and integrity working for us, in order to help bring the best person out in you.

The best songs and the best sounds are yet to come.

Partner with Chosen Productions, or become a Member.  Keep inspired, and grow with our connected community!

Music Artists and Musicians

We are proud to serve music artists and musicians reaching their goals and would like to be a part of your success!

We are interested to hear of your passion for music, and the challenges you may be facing. 

Professional Music Producers

A network of seasoned and talented professionals in Music and Video Production awaits you.  A list is provided below,

with your best interests in mind.  We are all musicians, and we understand the feelings you bring,

as you wish to take the next steps towards your goals.


The Future of Music


The Internet has redefined how we promote, and distribute music.  Chosen Productions Members are entrepreneurs, seasoned, ready and smart.  We have many things in common.  We work hard, we have a vision for more, and we give of our time to charitable works.  We have hope for the future of the music scene, and work towards that end.  You are invited to join us on this exciting journey!  Coaching, Recording, Performance and Personal Growth - Make an impact with realized potential, and with purpose!